Saturday, December 19, 2015

Flowers, Typical

I know I always wax poetic about flowers on campus, and this year I have seen most of them before, but it is just gorgeous to live here. Spectacular.

First my gorgeous white flowers from my friend Pippa. Not as awesome as Frangipanni, but close, and in convenient flower form instead of large tree.

Then they multiplied! Love this early morning shot. 

Something sort of like Birds of Paradise outside my living room window:

My favorite dark green and purple stumpy plant with it's cute white flowers hidden down by it's leaves. You can see the dirt from where the rain splashes it up onto the leaves. 

Pretty white flowers in my yard:

And what I believe to be baby and adult Flamboyant tree flowers:

My favorite for last, a shot of a fallen yellow blossom on some broken road concrete. These blooms, like the white ones from Pippa above, are also a close second on my favorite flower list after my Frangipani obsession. 

 I hope to see (or at least send mail) to all of you when I am home, but for now, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a Warm New Year Greeting from Ellen and Davy in Congo.

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