Thursday, September 4, 2014

Sunset on the Congo

Last weekend, friends and I loaded up in a school-owned car to go have drinks by the river. It was a gorgeous sunset, and yes, I have now taken pictures (of something nice) outside the walls of the compound. First, my favorite billboard of all time. Coming from a state where billboards don't exist, I've always had a fascination with them (French ones more than English, I guess) This one says NEVER BETRAY THE CONGO. Oh. My. It's at the bottom of our hill, as we are turning left to follow the river.
We sat at a little table and just watched the river go by. 
Throwing leaves in was another activity.
Just gorgeous. I am so fortunate to have met such lovely people and seen such cool things, already! 
I didn't photograph it, because we were so busy watching it try to catch it's dinner, but a cormorant-like bird landed in front of us with a very skinny neck and dove for a long time. We also saw some very cool birds in a stick nest blowing in the breeze. The bats on the way home were impressive as well.

Something a bit like that, I suppose! I should have taken my own pictures! Have a wonderful weekend all!

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