Thursday, September 4, 2014

More Plants

Friday is upon us! And time for more plant pictures! These are from a walk I took a few weeks ago and I just wanted to get them labeled before I forget what I was intending to photograph.

These (I believe) are the seed pods coming off our palm trees. I love the colors, and the palm trees:
These pictures were taken on my way home from school one day, I took a longer route to show you the walking/running path that runs around the compound. Cool tree roots:
And some very squash-like blossoms growing on the ground.
The coolest trees ever:
And another interesting flower.
This tree...
was dropping flowers onto the path below.
And here is a terrible photo of something that looks a lot like a Morning Glory:
This thing scares me every time I run... I think it's moving! It's quite large.
After taking the path up toward my house...
I came to our cool bean trees in front of the administration building.
Sorry for the lack of labeling, I don't know what things are called around here! But you can see it's the end of the dry season and things are quite, well, dry. It feels like back to school! We have been keeping our A/C on in the classroom, but at very low temperatures. The days have been pleasant. It can get sticky when the sun is out but nothing unmanageable yet!

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