Friday, September 26, 2014


Greetings y'all! Feeling a bit discombobulated this week, but thought I could take some food pictures for you all. First, here is a picture of the fruit and vegetable lady, Mama Jean, who comes to our campus. She is super convenient and available Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Chatted with her the other day and she said that she has to take a taxi to her garden and also to our school, so it's a big deal for her... she doesn't have everything available every day, but she usually has a fair amount.
So this week I made a ginger/carrot/tomato soup with some chicken... something like a recipe I usually make at home. Apologies if it looks gross to you, I am not a food photographer, but it tasted good. Comments "It's your fault I ate so much, you made it taste too good" LOL Always nice to hear.
My other meal this week was a stir fry with chicken breasts, some herbs and lots of veggies. We have small zuchini-ish looking courgettes that are good and they are in there, as well as garlic, onions and green peppers. 
We have a new option for veggies on campus, a CSA type venture who is delivering to our school. For $7.50 my friend and I are splitting a large amount of veggies, carrots, cucumbers, eggplant, tomatoes, onions. I plant to try to use up all the veg and also keep patronizing Jean. We will see how it goes. On tap for next week is eggplant lasagna and some fish in coconut milk. Also going to try some pork chops, maybe? I will keep you posted on my culinary adventures and try to take more pictures. Hold your breath, there may be more plant photos coming, sorry in advance. 

PS: In case you didn't know, my eating plan (I know there are many cons to this method, I have heard them all... but it's what works for me and I haven't died yet, I hope my multi-vitamin helps.) is to make 2 large meals on Saturday/Sunday that last me all week.

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