Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Trees of TASOK

Hello to all! I promise I am working on getting material for more interesting posts but for now, the trees will have to do. I feel like I focus on flowers, but recently some of the trees have been capturing my attention.

First, this tree, which is exactly what I imagine giraffes eat, is the most gorgeous to walk under, because of the way the light slants through so magically. Hard to show in pictures, but hope you can get the idea.

Next, these trees. This is the view out the most heavily traffic-ed first grade door, and since I am usually talking to people shorter than me, I don't regularly look up. But when you do... these trees are just insanely cool and gorgeous with these insane white blossoms (which I forgot to photograph when they were out) and crazy-tallness. (crazy tall-ness?)

Another impressive tree of TASOK: Bottom and top.

Last, I cannot get enough of this tree on my way home every day. The way the wind undulates the leaves and the way the shades of green are just so perfectly, sickeningly, amazingly 'African' in everything that any stereotypical representation would portray... we really do live in a wonderland. A very warm wonderland! I am thankful and will have to remember this for next winter! Unless I can find some other warm place to escape to. There really isn't a picture here that does it justice (I should have gotten further away) but I did try.

TASOK does Brigadoon (actual mist, not smoke from fires!) on this unrest day off: the city is on strike so I will take pictures and be lazy all day!

Rest day buddy:

Reading for TASOK Teacher Book Groups is next on the agenda. Love to all.

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