Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Birthday Loot

Hello! I am sorry to have been such a slacker but I have had some busy weekends and lots of jobs to do. Promise I will try to get better!

Wanted to share what I got for my birthday. I had a pool party on Sunday January 24th, had lots of fun with some great friends who brought samosas, hummus, wine, beer, juice, snacks and muffins to go with the chocolate cupcakes I made. Had a nice dip in the pool and was home by 5:30 to have skype and rest!

From left to right - LOTS of cards, including myself as a hand-drawn milkmaid! Plus a cool "Congo" photo album, two kinds of lotion, my running watch that I got for Christmas and finally learned how to use on the very day of my birthday! A new notepad and stamper set, a yoga shirt "Turnin' Heads, Twistin' Necks", the taco kit I got myself for $17!! Foreground: Pink pagne bag, more cards and super cool pagne banner that I have hanging in my house now. I also got Reeses and Macarons, which were LONG gone by the time this picture was taken.

THANK YOU to everyone who sent e-cards, facebook wishes as well as gifts, hugs and real cards. I really appreciate it! Sorry to anyone I've forgotten - not sure where my head is at these days!

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