Sunday, November 29, 2015

Miscellaneous (Read: Cat)

Sorry for the short miscellaneous post this week, I have a concept for the next one but haven't taken all the pictures to go with my idea yet, so this will have to do.

First, my swag from Kinshasa's very own Oktoberfest held at the dance studio in town. A very surreal experience. The cookie (and many other things) were imported from Germany... at a discount we assume because Kinshasa Oktoberfest is always almost (if not actually) in November!

My extremely photogenic cat. I cannot get enough of him... so glad he is here with me.

Here he is again, napping today while I chatted with a friend.

New pagne! I need to stop buying.. but the one on the right, yoyo bird, I have been coveting for almost a year now. I was avoiding it because of the red, but eventually caved. The one on the left was just screaming my name. Anyone who knows me knows about my purple/green combo obsession.

Davy the cat model posing with my final two pagnes (I think I am totally fulfilled forever... need to be or I will be broke. (Not from the fabric but from the tailor costs! I have a good inexpensive tailor, but with the amount of fabric here I need a lot made!) I am justifying it because it is so much more rainy therefore hot and humid than last year and pagne does breathe better than some other fabrics that I was able to wear last year without a problem.) The one on the left is a very classic common print that everyone has, but I was unable to find a color combo that I liked until now... I will get a shirt made where your head takes the place of the large green inner circle, it seems everyone in Kinshasa has one. We were looking through old yearbooks of TASOK from 30 years ago and people had shirts in this print... apparently it's timeless. Fell in love with the pagne on the right several weeks ago - Davy has approved from day one as you can see below. Not sure what it will be, but the purple is so deep and gorgeous and the blue is very me. I will keep you posted with my new outfits once I call the tailor and set up an appointment between my many basketball practices!

That's all for now! Have a good week! 

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