Saturday, August 22, 2015

Vacation Post #3 - France

Lat's idea of 'constant vigilance'... catching up on zzzzzzzzzzs before the loud talker got on the bus!
We arrived in Lyon EARLY in the morning and headed to our hostel on foot (not exactly close, but what else were we going to do at that point in the day? "I believe I was misled on how far this was" said a grumpy Lat who had listened to LOUD Arabic phone conversation all night...) where we were welcomed very warmly even considering that we were sleep deprived, cranky and smelly. The hostel let us shower, leave our bags and eat breakfast even though we were not technically paying customers until that evening. We headed out to see some lovely early morning sights in Lyon. Up the stairs of course. (Elephant Church below, no we did not see Sparky the pigeon Natalie) 

It was gorgeous but it didn't change the fact that we were exhausted. 

Attempting to find the kayak rental place on the river was a fail, so we walked back to our hostel and conked out. Post-napping kebabs and boggle made for a nice evening. 

The next morning we got up for Lat to have an early morning fiddle concert in the Roman amphitheater.. up the stairs AGAIN... then we boarded the train for PARIS! Greeted by large vans of gun wielding policemen on both ends of the street leading to our apartment, we were forced to speculate that we were staying at the site of (a) a VERY unsubtle stake-out or (b) the residence of someone important. After an eventful time trying to figure out which apartment our keys went to, we headed out for some walking (Lat) and laundry (me). After Lat attempted to get back in the apartment and was questioned by MORE police (undercover this time) we got groceries and stayed indoors!  

Saturday, June 27th was spent on an epic (4mph) walking tour of Paris. Courtyard of the Louvre:

Arc de Tripmphe

Eiffel Tower (Stairs! I was expecting it by that point)

Napoleon's Tomb

June 28th was spent as a museum day! Musee d'Orsay and Musee de l'Orangerie were both very pleasant and worth the visit. (I have been to Orsay when it was under construction and underwhelming, not the case this time!)

France was lovely! Tiny lofted apartment was a little hot but very suitable, good location and a good fan to cool off the loft. We ate yummy falafel, saw lots of parades and interesting people watching, and had a good time.

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