Sunday, August 2, 2015


Hello All!

I keep thinking that I have been struck with new inspiration and good ideas for posts with all the comments on my blog when I was home, but haven't had much energy to get up to much of anything recently. Here goes nothing. I arrived back in Kinshasa for year two on Wednesday evening and am now helping with the new teacher's orientation for the upcoming week. Not exactly school, but here on campus nonetheless. Before I do some vacation-in-review, I wanted to show you all my (our) new house! (The inside is still a mess from my half-baked unpacking so no pictures, it looks the same I promise!)

There you have it, folks! I forgot how dusty dry season is... dust everywhere, my new flip flops are all gross already, but other than that things seem relatively the same as usual (new billboards on the way to TASOK from the airport and a new airport terminal being the notable exceptions.) Nice "cool" temps and leaves falling make it feel like back to school... however it's not winter but wet season that will arrive soon. 

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