Monday, March 2, 2015

The Post I Owe from LAST Week!

Hello all! I am so sorry about my exhaustion, it prevented me from dealing with these pictures and getting them posted for you last weekend (Long story: As my personal computer is no longer on internet, I have to load the pictures onto it and then move them from that computer to this my school one... When tired it is kind of a daunting process.) Anyway, I swear these pictures were TAKEN in time for last weekend haha.

New fruit that I have been obsessively eating. SO good! Mangosteen it is called.
You use a fork to take off the top (middle of photo) then you get the rind (to the left) and the white edible bit (to the right.) It is in sections like an orange sort of, but tastes different, a bit like sour and sweet at once. Very good. 

The cat's new hangout. In my desk. On top of papers. Never mind that he has every comfy chair available.

My new haircut! The hairdresser wanted to blow dry it, and this was the result!

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