Sunday, February 15, 2015

The library.... finally!

Hello all!

Upon a LONG ago request for pictures of the inside of our library, I thought I would post some. We are so fortunate to have a gorgeous library for both elementary (pictured here) and high school (which is undergoing renovation soon! and not in the pictures)
This is the view to the left as you enter the front door, the picture books section.

Straight ahead is the circulation desk (with Destiny! YAY!) and Scholastic Guided Reading books behind on shelves and door (slightly to the right of this photo) that leads to my classroom.

 This is to the right as you enter, the reference section with young adult books behind on the wall and a couches corner behind the people pictured where you can read. We are so lucky to have a gorgeous library that is well stocked.
Thought I would add a picture of the indoor recess/indoor PE room (1/2 of it anyway). Quite an echo-y space but great to have.
Also of note this week, on Thursday we just woke up to the most ridiculous explosion of butterfly hatching that I have ever seen (fully reinforcing my hunch that I might live in some sort of magical fairy land). These butterflies are literally everywhere. Like I really can't explain how many there are. The campus is totally and entirely 100% coated with them. It is absolutely insane to see. Evidence of their abundance: Two ended up in our room (we might not be great about keeping the doors shut all the time). This photo was taken before we successfully reintegrated both of them back into the wild so I could stop hearing "Miss Stanley, a butterfly!" in the middle of me trying to explain the math game. :-)

We tried Maple Syrup at our Class Behavior Reward Celebration on Friday: Very mixed verdict but happily there is some left over for me! YAY! Have a great week everyone! Hope your Valentine's Day was wonderful. <3

1 comment:

  1. I can't deal with the fact that the reaction to maple syrup was mixed! How could anyone not love it? I still regret never feeding my Corsican kiddies marmite - I think that would have been hilarious... :)
