Saturday, February 7, 2015

New Spiky Fruit

Sorry for the tardiness and general lame-o-ness this week... seems that the week got away from me. But in any case, the photo-worthy event of the week was walking under one of my favorite trees on the way to work and looking up and seeing this: (I am sure I have a pic somewhere of what the tree looked like when it was flowering. Now it has FRUIT! Super cool fruit!)
I picked one up and brought it home to the outside of my porch and the ants ate all of the orange fruit you can see below within 24 hours, leaving nothing but a pile of seeds. Further discussion with the foremost bio teacher and environmental guru on campus revealed that I too could eat the fruit and seeds. I tried it and felt like I was eating oddly semi-sweet Playdough. With seeds. Not for me as far as daily obsessive consumption, but if I ever were in need of something to eat, I know I can eat this!
Also thought you might enjoy Davy's new "Profile Picture" as he has taken to sitting in the kitchen and bathroom windows in the dark. Love that cat.
Need to do a lizard and bird update post as well as a long-promised library post but not this week. Exhausted! Be well everyone!

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