Monday, March 2, 2015

The BIG Move

This weekend, my friends and I from house 98 moved into new temporary housing so that our house can get a new roof. My two friends moved into different apartments (one right on the opposite side of me just like before) and I moved in with another teacher at TASOK who is leaving at the end of the school year because her husband took a new job. She recently moved on campus leaving the large house where she had lived with her husband, and on Saturday I joined her. Photos of our new digs follow and the proposed date of the move BACK to house 98 is May 31st. I took today off to continue organizing what I have unpacked. Vacation begins Friday at 3pm! Wahoo!

Our front yard and my roommate's car out front:
Our front walk. Yes, that is the exterior wall of TASOK in the background.
Our front porch, where I just ate lunch.
Our living room. All my furniture looks so funny in a different house! You can see how much the cat does to help out around the house. To the right of where I'm taking the picture is a large TV from my roommate and to the left is another coffee table with a nice lamp. Straight ahead is my bedroom and past the roses is our dining room and kitchen as well as my roommate's room.
Here's my room with most of my worldly possessions, nice windows to the left.
Here is our dining room with my roommate's roses from her students for running the school talent show. To the right is the other bedroom and to the left is the bathroom and kitchen.
Last, the kitchen. We brought the long wooden cabinet in to make more counter space. Cake is left over from book club! And, yes we have a drinks fridge and a food fridge!

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