Saturday, October 4, 2014

Mount Mangengenge

Today was my first Hash House Harriers event (more info here, a hike to the top of Mount Mangengenge. I was so so so happy to get out of the city and experience some beautiful quiet and amazing scenery. The company was also excellent. While my exhaustion prevents me from saying a lot more, the pictures can tell the story...ascent: (Jersey Turnpike, anyone?)
Some view:
And some more view of the outcropping specifically, I was very taken by it. 
I will never forget one of the chaperones taking care of me on my first international trip, Paris in high school, "Ellen, you're not in any of your pictures... no one will know that you were here!" So here I am, sweaty and insanely gross, but I was actually there. As was the man with the cool backpack behind me.
We walked through a village on the top of the mountain. Just incredible to think about the day-to-day realities of these people's lives, what their routines are compared to my own. Mind boggling. Traveling has a way of putting you in a position to see and meet so many strangers and share a part of their lives for just a few seconds. This was a house in the village. Sorry that my exhaustion prevented more artful photography (as well as my horrible photo skills and desire to take in the moment without being preoccupied by capturing it.)

Then we started our descent... this is a view looking back onto the very pleasant (but uneven, my favorite) staircase, one of the better parts of the trek in my opinion. Thinking of the people who carried the materials to build this staircase and reinforce the path with the bags of dirt in the first picture was also mind blowing. The paths were covered in very very fine sand that made walking serious exercise, much less carrying heavy bags of material! This hike is used by people making a religious pilgrimage, and there are crosses along the way, so I imagine that the work put into the path is serving a higher purpose than aiding tourists. There were many local people on the path along with us, mostly walking with purpose and good humor in mind-numbingly unsubstantial footwear. (The people below are Hashers, though)
Some more view. Going to bed an exhausted happy girl.
A bit more about the mountain here

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