Monday, October 20, 2014

Flagrant Consumerism

Photos! I beg/borrowed a camera to take some pictures of my new possessions. There is really nothing that can't be found here, even if it takes much searching in many stores. In 
pseudo-chronological order:
My new walking stick purchased for $0.50 on the way to the hike. I have been using it to stretch out my feet so that my squats get better for Crossfit. (Laying the stick on the ground and rolling my feet over it) There were lots of cool patterns, but this was the flattest one for foot stretching.

New school bag and skirt made from the first fabric I bought.
New fabric, not sure what the plans are for it but purple, blue and green are my favorite combination. I am thinking of mounting some of it on the wall and maybe doing a shirt or dress with the rest.
Other new fabric I bought to go with the old fabric from the couch. Almost?!?!
 New school logo waterbottle to replace the one that disappeared during Congo week. Love the color!
My new banana tray... Excellent find during the Saturday shopping outing.
Cat coloring book, one of my vacation treats. There are stickers too! I'm in heaven.
Very well stocked fridge and cupboards for my vacation. Lots of treats! 

And that's all folks, as they say!

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