Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Seattle, Washington, USA

I bussed easily to Seattle on Thursday afternoon, kind of chatty passengers but humorous bus driver and good book improved everything. For some reason (locations starting to blur together at this point) I thought I was going to be further out of town (I chose my accommodation for proximity to the bus station) but I ended up right in Pioneer Square in the oldest part of Seattle and found my Buddhist temple accomodations easily. I was able to run out to the Klondike Gold Rush National Historic Park before it closed at 5pm and learn all about the Alaska gold rush and how it put Seattle on the map. It was totally fascinating how a zealous promoter named Erastus got all the mayors/kings to send their citizens who wanted to gold rush to Seattle, where they spent $$$$$$$$ getting "outfitted" because the Canadian Mounties wouldn't let them cross through Canada without 2 tons of supplies each (to keep them from starving.) In all reality by the time the news reached the greater world all the best claims were taken, but Seattle made tons being the departure city and people had a good time in the wild even if they mostly found no gold. Great free museum and out to this sunset over Smith Tower.

After sleeping in the temple overnight I got up early for a beautiful amazing run on the waterfront Friday morning, down to the sculpture park with the awesome view of the mountains and boats! (And a really cool large sculpted head looking out over the water.) I came back to clean up and start touring! My first stop was Pike Place Market where I met the pig!

Saw the gum wall (ugh)

got cheese curds at Beechers Cheese

(what public cheese making! Every day!) and ate lots of good stuff. Nutella roll, peanut butter canoli, and candied fruit (plus a book from an awesome used book seller) made my wallet lighter but my stomach full! I headed down the street, steeling myself for the large expense that would be the Space Needle. While there are many taller and cheaper ways to see the view, I really wanted to have the experience. I got a shared ticket with the Chihuly Glass Museum, but chose to go up first (had to wait for a bit so took a detour to the fountain)

before scaling the height. It was a very nice (as well it should have been for that price) modern presentation about the history of the tower in the bottom, as well as complimentary cheesy photo

before heading up to the real view! And what a view it was! I have been lucky to have one nice day in most of these west coast cities and otherwise rain, but boy it was a nice Seattle Friday!


And then I headed down (stayed at the back of the elevator after having to ride in front on the way up!) to what would turn out to be maybe my favorite museum ever of all time. Like whoa. It wasn't big or lengthy, but the Chihuly Glass Museum included my favorite bright colors into the most amazing sculptures and displays. It was so gorgeous. There aren't words (or photos) but I did try.

 Big flowers at entrance.

How does he do this without breaking all those pieces?!? All wired into a metal base.


It was obviously indoor/outdoor and I was loathe to leave! But I headed back to my kind accommodation that had been willing to keep my bag all day via the cool giant public library and the arctic building

to be picked up by a family friend for a day of incredibly kind hospitality. On Saturday we saw the hangars where they make and paint Boeing planes!!!!! And then to the Mukilteo ferry for a trip to Whidbey Island with stops in Langley for lunch at Useless Bay Coffee (plus beach walk)


Fort Casey State Park with retractable guns they used to defend the US (but never had to battle)


Oak Harbor for a naval base tour, as well as a small hike at the deception pass bridge


with gorgeous cold blue water! The eddies and current we had seen all over were mesmerizing. We headed off the island via the bridge and through the tulip festival towns (no tulips yet, but lots of snow geese) to a spaghetti dinner and excellent conversation. The next day I headed out to another friends house (sister of the first friend) for a gorgeous (if slightly soggy) dog walk in Greenlake Park and a relaxing calm afternoon! Monday was another wet day but I was treated to a tour of the Queen Anne neighborhood (big hill!) and the Smith Tower (another very well done historical exhibit at the bottom and then up!!) and to Delicatus for a really good lunch. I boarded my bus to Vancouver full and grateful for the excellent tours I had received!!! Thank you Danielle and Beth and families!!!! Today I have run in Vancouver (in Stanley Park!) and done GROSS laundry (wanted to do last run before washing) and now heading out for groceries! Update soon!

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