Saturday, April 23, 2016

Vacation Bonus: Fabric

I am so sorry I really did blog last weekend and then somehow it just saved in drafts and never posted! Silly me! Whoops!

Thought I would show off the fabric purchased (with the paid-in-tuna cat model extraordinaire). Tailor has not come yet and I am still hemming and hawing about what I want to get made. Suggestions welcome.

First, the hand-dyed Senegalese fabric (these are in no particular order)
I guess I will model if you insist.

Next is the super-soft more expensive fabric from the mall in Ghana - the one that will drape. I have too many ideas for this and not enough fabric! It is so soft! But seems like it would be wasted on a pillowcase. But that I could sew myself!
That pesky flash is getting in the way of my napping.
 Then the pseudo-kente cloth I got in Ghana. Real kente is very expensive and has a disarming habit of involving the color bright orange. Not my jive. So I got this fake in my colors instead.
You are boring me mom... boring me.
 This purple is also from Ghana. So pretty. Can't handle it.
So I guess I will sit on the fabric..,

And there is some classy Congolese side-eye for your day... the glare that says "Feed me now! Modeling over!"
I hope you have had a good week. Much love!

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