Saturday, April 30, 2016

New Basketball Court

Hello all!

Wanted to update you about our new gym. As a reminder, this is what our old gym looked like: Cement with green paint on it. It used to be uncovered, so the cover is good, but the surface was very slippery and very hard for falling. 

Therefore, the school decided to buy a new court surface. We thought it would be perhaps foamy like the Montgomery Elementary School, but instead it turns out that it is this hard plastic tight webbing (hard to see in photo) made out of recycled plastic milk cartons (which we ironically don't have in Congo). So there are these squares of plastic webbing fit into this frame, and that is how they stay together. When some players move quickly or aggressively, the tiles can pop up, but so far it seems functional overall. It is not really that much softer to fall on (and you get web marks on you!) but it is much much better for stopping. New rims were also added and the famous 'cage' has been removed. Quite a transformation. It was a privilege to coach this year on the final year of the green cement and at the tournament for the inauguration of the new court.

On another note, sighted this morning: 

  • Breathtaking sunrise over Kinshasa
  • Some beautiful chickens including a very tall thin rooster and a pretty grey hen
  • Lawn-mowing with hedge clippers (I guess it could be worse mom)
  • An appreciative smile and giggle from a lady watching me struggle up a hill
  • A thumbs up at a gas station
  • Not one but TWO dudes on their morning commute with their saw (have saw, will travel?) 
  • Some eggshells in my shoe tread (running on eggshells?) 
  • A great smile from a girl and her little brother (I can't usually get smiles from kids, but these guys delivered) 
  • My favorite turquoise lion and dolphin gate
  • To top it all off: a dude sticking his head up out of the drainage grate in the sidewalk. As in up from the drainage area under the sidewalk. I thought I was hallucinating. 
Wasn't happy with my pace or distance, but plugged in my running watch to reveal that I have run more than twice the mileage that I ran in March. I guess that's an accomplishment! I am so thankful for my continued good health.

Have a wonderful weekend all!

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