Thursday, April 30, 2015

More Fabric...

I know it seems like all I do is shop for fabric, but had to show off my new purchases, with the professional cat model, helpful as ever, in attendance. First, new water jug pagne. How lovely. Sigh.

Then, this star pagne. I know, it's deeply deeply elementary school, but I work in an elementary school and usually I act like an 8 year old, so it's appropriate. (Even the 5 year old I was shopping with has more sophisticated taste than I do...Oh Lisa Frank!) Notice how the professional cat model is continuing to sit on the under fabric as I layer over...

This is an interesting pagne that I got to put on the wall. I feel like the pink woman/tree/bow/circle is a bit odd, but I liked the idea overall. I think I will try to put it on the wall strategically so that it doesn't look like a woman or a tree or a pink bow woman circle tree... I really like the circles bit. 

These are the twin pagnes that were a gift for my birthday, I need to get a dress made! (Sometimes pagne comes in matching sets to make complimentary trim on dresses.)

Lastly, this blue pagne that I love love love love... It's also at least partitially for hanging on the wall. Need to have stretchers made to hang fabric. 

And this is what happens when you stack things in the cat's favorite chair.... he lays on all of it anyway. In protest. Now you can't clean out this chair even if you wanted to because I am sitting here. So there. The bird pagne was for a friend, but maybe I should have bought myself one?!?!

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