Saturday, April 18, 2015

Congo River Boat Trip!

Today an intrepid group of 18 TASOK teachers and company got VERY cozy 

on our boat ride out to a sandy island for a day of relaxing at the beach. It was perfect weather and a gorgeous day. We took our school's bus to the 'Kinshasa Yacht Club' and boarded a small vessel that had to pass through a lot of varied traffic

to get to open water. We picked up speed (you can see the waves in the bottom of the picture) and passed this dude steering his traditional boat, a pirogue,
and these houses, (among other things) on the way to our destination.

We pulled up (notice the extra driving challenge of our chairs strapped to the front of the boat)

and saw this view. The sheer vastness of the sky is just insane. What a gorgeous gorgeous day.

We lounged like this for most of the day, with lots of eating and chatting
spectating beach soccer...

playing in the sand...

and occasional dips in the Congo river (this was as far in as I went).

Before we knew it, it was time to get back on the boat

and head back to port. Old meets new (our boat with a pirogue that has a motor!)

Lovely day, all in all! 

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