Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Travel Plans

Hello to all!

Wanted to update you on my plans for a crazy travel extravaganza Fall 2016 - Spring 2017. At least 25 friends and relatives, about 7 flights, 1 backpack, 1 Ellen, and 1 fabulous multi-part vacation.

In November, I am headed out for a road trip to Memphis to visit a friend, with multiple stops along the way to see others. I am very excited. Recently learned that this road trip will be punctuated with an after-Thanksgiving whirlwind voyage to London! So November 2016 is very booked!

Then in January 2017, I will head to my European Half-Marathon (working toward all the continents) in Tromso, Norway. After seeing some of Norway, it will be on to Scotland, England, Germany, Kazakhstan, Indonesia, West Coast USA, and then home. I am excited to (1) run at a more reasonable elevation (2) have my fortune told (3) see my friends (4) see new countries and continents (5) surf (6) do yoga on my 5th continent (7) drive through a redwood tree (8) go to Vancouver, Canada and generally have a great time. I think my jet lag will get so weird that I will just be back to normal again when I get home!

That's the excitement from here!

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