Monday, May 30, 2016

Rwanda: Photo Edition

I tried to grab a photo of everything I wanted to mention, but first things first:

Rwanda, from what I saw, does not use plastic grocery bags. In Kinshasa, they are everywhere. In Rwanda I think I saw two. ALL grocery bags I was given were paper. SO cool. However, they seem to really like drinking straws in Rwanda, all drinks come with them (even cans/bottles)... so not sure what the net environmental impact is of fewer grocery bags and more straws, but I enjoyed the extremely clean atmosphere everywhere I went!

View from the hotel, 1,000 hills indeed:

Motorcycles and Bicycles (Tour de Rwanda! is actually a thing!) are VERY common. Motorcycles all have a helmet for the passenger and driver (many match, but not all... I was on the lookout for drivers whose passengers had to wear non-matching helmets!) Hilarious to watch the lady passengers (somewhat) try to get helmets over their hairstyles!

Bicycles carry EVERYTHING. Humans. (As in there is a seat behind the driver so the bike can be a taxi of sorts, remarkable with all the hills. Drivers earn their money!)

People stopping at stop lights! Novel!
Cauliflower. Doors. Couches. Squash. (Saw both couches and squash on the same bicycle!) Both motorcycles and bicycles are decorated and have fun mud flaps and guards under the pedals to keep mud from coming up that way. Nifty.

Gorgeous, incredibly well maintained road the whole way! View back into Kigali as we were departing:

Such beautifully painted buildings near the road: My favorite, for Crown Paint, "If you like it, Crown it!" All I could think of was "If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it"... I was just in awe that small towns on the side of the road have enough need for a paint store!

Beans. Fields and fields and fields and fields of beans!
COWS! and sheep and goats, but I don't have the patience to load the photos!
Sooooooooooooo many people. Everywhere. Walking, chatting, out and about.

Cabbage Patch! How many did that doll lady have mom? Did they beat her?

Fields of tea, with more people out walking. You can see the terraced hills to the right.

The Scouts (scoots!) out on a Sunday afternoon stroll.
I have so many more pictures, but I can't wait for them to load. Sorry for the delay, I was doing report cards all weekend my internet hasn't been strong at my house. Have a great week! 

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