Tuesday, January 26, 2016


So was having a discussion with a family friend while I was home about all the yogurt in Congo. Everyone loves yogurt, there seems to be a lot of selection and it is very commonly eaten (especially by me!) There are no nutrition labels (I probably don't want to know, although eating the real stuff might be better than how they make 'low fat' - I don't know??!) so I have no idea how any of it compares to American stuff, but I really like it and eat it all the time.

Normally I have plain for breakfast in my smoothie and flavored for dessert after dinner, and normally my go-to flavor is "Dolait" Strawberry. However all the stores I have visited in the last two weeks have been out, so I am having the "Oui Oui" kind instead. It doesn't taste even close to as good, but I laugh every time I eat yogurt that is named "Oui Oui".

There are tsetse flies in Congo that infect cows, so I have never seen a cow in Kinshasa. All the milk used to make the yogurt is trucked in and/or UHT milk, I am not sure. Would love to find out before I leave. Maybe a yogurt factory tour is in my future!

Anyway, first is "Oui Oui" mango flavor with my go-to type of plain yogurt.

Next we have another entertaining plain - the one with the cow with horns! Plus "Oui Oui" Strawberry and Vanilla. Interestingly here the "Plain Sucre" (Sugared Plain) is better to me then the Vanilla, though it seems like it should kind of be the same thing?!?!

This is what everyone uses their ironing board for, right? 

This is someone protesting his tiny box of food by knocking it over. Caught in the act!

Next week perhaps some photos of birthday loot. I had a great birthday! Love to all!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Happy New Year!

Hello to all - So great to see so many of you while I was home. I really appreciated reconnecting with everyone and I look forward to being home again this summer. I didn't think I had any pictures to share (I have two requested posts in the works, need to remember to take photos for them! Please request a post if you would like photos of something in particular, other than my cat... yes, I have a problem. Is there a 12 step program for people who take too many photos of their cat?) but then I realized that I wasn't so hard up.

First, I took my camera home for winter break and didn't use it to take any photos in America. Whoops. However I did very much enjoy taking pictures of the desert from the plane. SO cool.

Then this morning I went on a photo walk to get a picture of this: The cat door is growing a plant!

And ended up with several more flower and Davy pictures. I promise the next post will be something different!

Loved these deep purple leaves.

In his element! Have a great week everyone!