Sunday, October 25, 2015

More October Vacation: Kisantu Botanical Gardens, Continued

This was one of my favorite parts of the garden! (Aside from the quiet) My (fake) face upon seeing the 'Crocodile Pond' sign, which I thought was super old and totally a hoax:

And then we got to the 'Crocodile Pond' and had a LONG debate about whether he was real or fake... until he BLINKED! He was REAL! And can sit extremely still for long periods of time. For some reason his mouth open made him seem more fake to me... but he was apparently just trying to be as cool as possible (it was very humid).

Also on our walk, we found this interesting fruit which I immediately christened "Butt Fruit" and then could not stop laughing at my own ridiculousness. Perhaps I am actually a 1st grader?

After regrouping at our rooms, we went for a walk toward the river and found a Doughnut tree!!! (Clearly making up our own names for the plants was more fun than trying to remember the real ones, although it was fun to read the scientific names on the signs.) We are going to be rich! Not sure they taste as good as they look though, unfortunately.

Our walk past the doughnut tree led us to this gorgeous view of the Inkisi River. So pretty.

We ate an early dinner and walked a bit more before playing games and turning in for the night.

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