Thursday, July 31, 2014

The bags are packed and.... I have room?!?!

Hello all! I have received many hugs over the past month, and I know I am going to miss you all so so so much! My final band concert got real last night - I am proud and honored to be part of an incredible tradition of band music in Franklin County. Band concert nights are synonymous with summer and I will miss them so much. I am lucky to be part of such a wonderful rite of the season, to which I definitely plan on returning some day.

So I did some pseudo time lapse photography of the packing... 
Note the recently unpacked, repacked and organized kitchen contents from my old house in back... Oh I love moving and giant life changes. I guess I do bring it on myself...

You will now note that the suitcases have jumped up on the bed and started packing themselves... NOT.

This was last night when I lost steam and left for St. Albans. The rest of the stuff on the floor has since been packed. That is a pair of socks to the right, not a bunny head...

Sorry I need to learn whether to caption photos on top of them or under them, I seem to have trouble with that. You get the idea.

Somehow all of these photos have neglected the fact that there is indeed a 3rd bag, I didn't fit the contents of my life into just 2 bags (one of which is definitely overweight) We are allowed extra budget for overweight and extra bags because that is (relatively) so much cheaper than shipping things to the DRC. There were also extensive YES/MAYBE YES/MAYBE/MAYBE NO/NO piles, but ALL the piles have fit and I do have extra room. Not a lot, but enough to make me uneasy. The last two times I have moved abroad I only had 2 bags, and no extra room, so I guess that is the difference? No idea.

The packed and done picture isn't here yet because the camera is... packed. But you can see the process of yesterday. That cat worked hard doing NOTHING and being NO help... Also forgot to photograph that.

Anyway, as you can imagine, I am about as mixed up emotionally as possible. I am most definitely ready to go, but also sad to leave. I will leave you with a quote that has been bouncing around in my head this week:

You are the decider of the world that you will get to know.
NONONO - Pumpin' Blood - Lyrics

Perhaps if you are interested I could give a bit of detail on what is inside the suitcases when I unpack them (wait didn't I just unpack and repack?) on ANOTHER CONTINENT!!! Bahhhh!!!! <3 

1 comment:

  1. That is super impressive. I'm also envious of your baggage allowance - remember when I had to put all those things in those bloody colissimo boxes. And then the picture frame smashed so I ended up with lovely tiny shards of glass all over everything. That wasn't great. BON VOYAGE!!!
